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Last Reload: 2025-02-21 18:03:43Z

Latest WWV data: 2025-02-21 18:00:04Z

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telnet     DX Cluster Telnet files
Remember that all Telnet links can be transient, depending on network and cluster node stability as well as loading

Latest (experimental v1.0.8131) cluster nodes tested by N1MM Logger+ developers
  Latest clusters (txt) [129 entries]
Use Google Earth map file (KML) to show all these cluster nodes (turn off all your other points and layers, except Starting Location)
Note: you can import into Google Maps, but you must be signed in to Google to do that and your data will be held in the 'cloud' somewhere.
The general theory is that connecting to your nearest cluster can help speed things up and help focus on spots being placed by users in your general area.
This isn't always the case, so swapping and changing until you find a cluster that suits your needs AND is reliable can be a bit tricky.
For anybody who gets lost, Google Earth on Win10 keeps your files here: C:\Users\your_username\AppData\LocalLow\Google\GoogleEarth\

My own test results
telnet data file Updated (size, bytes) Reference Link Home page Days since update
Next Test
N1MM+ original1
2025-01-14 06:36:14Z (9.1K)
 -  N1MM+ - -
ID,domain or IP:port
N1MM+ 'latest'2
2020-02-21 07:25:19Z (5.5K)
 N1MM+  N1MM+ - -
ID,domain or IP:port
Logger32 original3
2025-01-14 06:40:41Z ( 37 )
 -  Logger32 - -
ID~domain or IP|port
VE7CC original4
2020-01-10 11:52:39Z (364 )
  VE7CC - -
"ID","domain or IP","port"
DXLog original5
2022-09-05 04:44:57Z (2.6K)
  DXLog - -
ID=domain or IP;port;YES;;
All Combined N1MM+
2018-10-01 13:54:47Z ( 14K)
  N1MM+ - -
ID,domain or IP:port
All Combined N1MM+6 2018-10-01 13:54:46Z (9.1K)
N1MM+ 2335
ID,domain or IP:port
All Combined Logger32
2018-10-01 13:54:47Z ( 14K)
Logger32 - -
ID~domain or IP|port
All Combined Logger326 2018-10-01 13:54:47Z (9.1K)
Logger32 2335
ID~domain or IP|port
All Combined VE7CC
2018-10-01 13:54:46Z( 18K)
"ID","domain or IP","port"
All Combined VE7CC6 2018-10-01 13:54:46Z (9.1K)
VE7CC 2335
"ID","domain or IP","port"
Sites tested: 1012
Sites proven active: 336
1) Located in C:\Program Files (x86)\N1MM Logger+\Clusters.txt
2) You may need to check this using 'Reference Link'
3) Located in C:\Logger32\TelnetAddresses.INI (original has one entry [GB7UJS] only!)
4) Located in C:\ve7cc\cluster.dat
5) Located in C:\Users\
6) Tested using this site list.
Win10 and the authors prefer to place the Clusters.txt file in: C:\Users\your_username\Documents\N1MM Logger+\ExportFiles

If you don't want to directly change files manually you can do the following: To import it into N1MM Logger+, open the Telnet window and select Clusters/Edit List/File/Import. Navigate to where you have put the file and import it. The database table will persist until replaced with another. If you have custom entries in your current list use: Clusters/Edit List/File/Export to a text file, then manually copy & paste those custom entries into the new file. Use a Sort function to ensure that you haven't accidentally created duplicate entries. Then perform Clusters/Edit List/File/Import.

Caution: Logger32 only loads the first 100 clusters from the table. A change has been requested.
These lists can be used to manually enter (DXLab) SpotCollector nodes. There is no distinct database file for this application. Maybe one should be added :-)

No information about RBN data availability is listed here (yet).
Some versions of Cluster software have had other features stripped out in order to keep up with the high spot rates during contests. Some change modes between RBN available / not available when high throughput (contest) is on-going.

Telnet on Windows Vista, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 10

N1MM+, Logger32 & VE7CC have Telnet built-in and you do not need to install the
Microsoft version of Telnet (telnet.exe) unless you are troubleshooting switches, routers, etc. from the command line [cmd.exe]
and you really know what you're doing.

Telnet on Windows 11

Microsoft version of Telnet is included in Windows 11 but turned off by default. How to enable it, if you must.

Telnet is deliberately not installed by Microsoft by default in Windows Vista or newer; so if you try to run it you will get the message
"'Telnet' is not recognized as an internal or external command, operable program or batch file."

Note: Telnet is EXTREMELY insecure and should not be used to talk to web servers, database servers, network switches and routers, UPSes, etc., etc., etc. unless in a very 'closed' environment with NO internet connection AT ALL.
This also why some other lists of (DX Cluster) Telnet nodes no longer list those that require a password. The danger is that a user will re-use a password from their other 'accounts' such as banks (!).
  PLEASE read this article on network security and Telnet.

If you really MUST install Telnet in Windows, do the following:

    Click Start then select Control Panel
    Select Programs and Features
    Select Turn Windows features on or off
    Select the Telnet Client option
    Click OK

A dialog box will appear to confirm installation. The telnet command should now be available. Now use it with CARE.

Installing a Telnet server on a user-end computer is asking for trouble. It has been disabled since Windows Vista (but could be enabled!).
Windows 10 does not allow a built-in Telnet server to be enabled (it doesn't exist as code from Microsoft).

Still having trouble?
The following links may help
Telnet (Wikipedia)

Footnote: Telnet refers to the protocol.  telnet is used to refer to the software that implements the client part of the protocol. To telnet to, or telnetting are verb forms.
It's very easy to mistype telnet and call it telenet!


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