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FAQs (frequently asked questions)

QSLs - Why no bureau?
Bureau cards are slow. Extra work. They could come through my other routes:

G4BKI [RSGB] - won't make it. I have this callsign, but I'm not an RSGB member and don't send envelopes to their buro.
VP9KF [RSB] - might just make it if they don't discard them and if VP9GE gets them for me :-)

Why VP9KF?
For a few years I grew up in VP9. I also signed G4BKI/VP9 before getting a local callsign by taking a written and Morse exam.

Callsigns: G4BKI, G4BKI/VP9, VP9KF, 8P9FT, J8/VP9KF, W4/G4BKI, G4BKI/J3, J37KF, V31WJ, F/G4BKI, TK/G4BKI, EI6LC

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