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NOC - Number One CW est. 11 November 2011  No Class CW est. 1 August 2015
"When you're a member of NOC, you're always Number One to us"

Watch this space for more news about this exciting new CW group!

N1MM+ Club Call History files and Logger32 Club Call History files for many CW clubs

Welcome from our founder members:
F5VHC (G0CMM)* - John - "Juan" - NOC #1 - ITU Region 1
  G3SJJ - Chris - "Juan" - NOC #1 - ITU Region 1
VP9KF* - Paul - "Juan" - NOC #1 - ITU Zone 11

* Receives a rap on the knuckles for possessing a straight key and being in a club!
Receives a rap on the knuckles for having a QRP rig and being in a QRP club!

See our new SHOP !
We look forward to recruiting new NOCers shortly.
New members will be invited at the whim of the founder members only
Current Membership: 111 (1+1+1)

Other clubs use 161, 8, 72, 74, etc. to greet each other. We use 11.
Mechanical keys and QRP are to be avoided!
DXpeditions to CQ/ITU Zones 1 and 11 are encouraged
Members in ITU Region 1 and IARU Region 1 are encouraged
... coming soon....  newsletter "NOtiCe"

Keep up to date with our special events... General Contest Rules
First weekend of February - NOC 10000m Contest
First weekend of October - NOC Annual Booze Up (UK)
First day of each quarter (January/April/July/October) - NOC Half-Marathon

Constitution: You need a bloody good one and a strong helping of fortitude to be in NOC.
No clauses are required because they are ignored by Committees when it suits them.
Officials will be appointed, not elected.

To be a member you need to be:
Experienced, be accurate on CW (and in all you do), have heaps of common sense and technical interest.
We don't need Membership Codes of Conduct. We don't need DX Codes of Conduct.
If you don't know what to do and don't have experience and/or knowledge, then don't do it! Learn about it.

Getting outside help during a contest is cheating! Operating a remote station is cheating!

Extreme modern forms of PC (political correctness) are frowned upon as a reduction of freedom and a form of censorship. Get a sense of humour! Don't work anybody with a membership number of 1 in any other club, they are trying to be an imposter or at least equal to you.
We stick strongly to the use of English phrases and spellings. We nit-pick the correct use of SI unit abbreviations!

Last year we joined a Yahoo Group for procrastinators. We haven't met anybody yet.

 Special award for working EA0JC: Juan Carlos I  and the new Morsi (SK) award (you get to use/put a spare dit that you bought!).
If we had mechanical key nights, they'd be sponsored by , but we don't, so they're not. We operate CW, but we're not sponsored by 

Remember the founders of EM theory, telegraphy and radio
Hertz, 22 Feb 1857
Marconi, 25 Apr 1874
Morse, 27 Apr 1872
Maxwell, 13 June 1831

10 Jul 1856
Faraday, 22 Sep 1791
Fessenden, 6 Oct 1866

You can always visit:
   ... but then again ..........

You can always be up Number One Creek without a paddle

Two Mexican detectives were investigating the murder of Juan Gonzalez.
‘How was he killed?’ asked one detective.
‘With a golf gun,’ the other detective replied.
‘A golf gun! What is a golf gun?’
‘I don’t know. But it sure made a hole in Juan.’

 "On CW, no one can hear you scream"  You can if you use this!


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