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G4BKI N1MM+ Logger tips page

Windows releases before Windows 7 should not be used. Only Windows 10 or 11 are recommended.
Latest information, support and questions can be found on the N1MM Logger+ groups.io [with 5245 members]
Group use: If you are using N1MM Classic, make it clear! It isn't supported. Always refer to newer version as N1MM Logger+, not just 'N1MM'. Give your platform, Windows version and all other important information. XP will no longer update required files automatically, as SSL (https://) was more fully rolled out during mid-2018.
Latest updates are announced on the group every Tuesday morning, or more frequently if required for bug fixes.
It helps everyone if you test a new version between Tuesday & the weekend when you are going to operate. Report any problems so that they can be fixed [from Tom, N1MM].
**** DO NOT 'SYNC' N1MM+ DATABASES with remote files**** In other words, don't use OneDrive, Dropbox or Google Drive!
 N1MM+ Logger latest version number. N1MM+ home site. N1MM+ latest update(s). N1MM+ PDF Help files  N1MM+ HTML Help files
N1MM+ Experimental versions

  Running N1MM Logger+ on Linux (Ubuntu, LinuxMint and Debian) with WINE

N1MM Logger+ is fast becoming the 'go-to' software for small and large DXpeditions. If you are running a small operation, I would recommend you use DX mode. It contains differences in comment, look-up and other features. For larger operations, use DXpedition mode to minimise satellite data upload sizes, etc.
Recent/Current/Upcoming DXpeditions (not necessarily contest operations too)  using N1MM Logger+ as their logging program

The first thing is to go into Windows audio configuration and TURN OFF Windows sound generation. There is a good technical reason for this if you are using the PC's serial port for keying the transmitter.

The second thing is to slightly reconfigure the COM ports. Go into Windows Device Manager [if using Win 10, select Control Panel/All Control Panel Items/Systems/Device Manager], select Ports(COM & LPT), then at each Com port, select Properties/Port Settings/Advanced.

Then find Rcvr (bytes) and set it to 64; then select Tx (bytes) and also set it to 64. Change 'Latency Timer' to 1ms [NOTE! This depends on the specific RS-232 COM type device, some have it and some don’t]. This will improve the speed of your USB/Serial devices and help eliminate CW stutter.
W4/VP9KF - CW keying hints

CW keying hints
  How to make your logging program work with CW.

The K1EL WinKeyer needs to have the correct FTDI USB driver loaded on the PC. Use Device Manager to confirm it is there and to see what COM port it is on. It may have changed.
If the keyer 'disappears', go into Device Manager, right click on the USB port and deselect "allow USB to sleep when inactive".
Download the WKxMGR software from K1EL and confirm you can talk to the
WinKeyer. It is useful to configure the WinKeyer, update the firmware and for trouble shooting. Note there are different versions depending on the WinKeyer you have.

Early WK2USBs had a problem of getting locked up if they had internal batteries installed and  the PC's USB port went to sleep. To unlock the WK2USB you need to disconnect the
WinKeyer's internal batteries. There is a firmware update that fixes this problem. If you are operating while connected to a PC, leave the batteries out anyway. Memories will be retained.
W4/VP9KF - some fixes for N1MM+ Logger

N1MM+ Logger Fixes
  All software has some niggles, these are some easily fixable things in the source code.

Interface with new web page was VERY, VERY SCREWED UP!!!!
As of 2019-12-12, the following things were not working correctly:
Pretty pathetic troubleshooting

Has the 'feature' hard-written into WAE CW S&P mode that forces a send of 'QTC?' been fixed before it gets forgotten?????????????

WHY is the 'Rotor Control' (sic.) Window not part of the N1MM+ window normal behaviour, yet sits on top and in the way all the time? It's a PITA!
Why can't it be integrated and popped-up as needed?

Everybody I've talked to recently (and the manufacturers) always use the term ROTATOR, not rotor


Similarly, why can't a call from the .ini file be made to open a true N1MM+ Logger window which can call another program such as a browser? [Hint: to show a lightning page]

Why are new version announcements on the groups.io Group always made with 'Re:' at the beginning of the subject, as though it was a comment about a missed previous message?

Please remember that the N1MM+ Logger code is written and maintained by a group of volunteers. It's tough because of the vast number of transceivers, support devices, modes and versions of PCs and Windows that are supported all at once. Some troubleshooting is recurring and is not easy to find in the [transferred] Yahoo Group 'archives'. Hence these notes. Some problems are difficult to reproduce without many hours of their time.

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