G4BKI home of |
F:230 A:20 K:3.33 SSN:143 WWV Log |
Last Reload: 2025-01-21 00:45:24Z |
WWV data: 2025-01-21 00:30:05Z |
Data policy |
Club files |
for N1MM, N1MM Logger+ (Call History),
Logger32 (CheckCall/CheckCallMini)*
and SCP
[.dta or .dtb] |
CQRLOG [Linux] (v2.5.2)
'stripped down' versions of membership
fields. You'll need to 'translate' the files to make them work1,2.
Try this how to file. Examples: Call or Call;Number or Call;Number;Date Start;Date End [where dates are in format YYYY-MM] |
DXLog (v2.6.10)
uses a different syntax for CallHistory
["prefill database"] files {not
documented in web
page or Wiki}. You'll need to 'translate' the files to make them work1.
author/support, says "You can use N1MM database files as they are if
you define them as file type CSV in Options|Data files|Prefill
database"] Examples: Call=Number or Call=Name;Number ( 809 users on Groups.io). In addition, you can now download a .xdt file from the DXLog website, which uses data fetched from this site. |
drlog (v γ) (N7DR) [Linux] uses the 'raw' files successfully. |